Hi there! How have you been? I have been quite busy with clients and have 20 active clients and 3 who have asked to pause while they work through some emotional parts of the divorce process. I always have that available to my clients if they need it because Divorce is a HUGE life change! I am never here to push someone to make a decision; rather my job and goal is support once that decision has been made.
Here's a recap of things I wrote about this month. I'd love to hear from you! Does anything hit home especially well for you? What else would you like me to write about?
Once you start the divorce process, it’s easy to feel like you’re getting swept away in a riptide. Without planning and understanding, it’s easy to feel like you’re just shuffled along with legal acronyms that you don't know their meaning....
I have spent the past 5 days in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin. As I type this, it’s my last morning here. I’m hanging out for a bit before I go to the Door County Rotary Club meeting this morning. They meet for breakfast, which is perfect timing for me to visit with them before I get on the road to head home. I’ve had a wonderful time here; my first time spending a few days here completely alone...
If you’ve read my “about me” section, you know I’ve been married before. It was ROUGH. We were young, yes, but our marriage wasn’t good. I never felt like I was good enough for him, mostly well, because he told me...
So, what exactly DOES a Divorce Coach do??
I get asked this all the time, especially when I meet someone new. It’s usually accompanied by nervous laughter or jokes about spouses maybe already being in touch with me.
Thanks for reading and joining me here! I'd love to hear what you've been up to and if you have any exciting plans for spring! Send me a message and let me know!